A.) I was in England for 5 days, graduating from my Masters program. And although I thought this might make for exciting blogging material, I couldn't find anything to eat in that country! All I had ate the entire time were atrociously expensive french fries and beer. Even the one fancy vegan restaurant I singled out (Mildred's, in Pickadilly Circus) was freakishly closed the one night I made it there. But all was not totally lost, because I did indeed graduate, from Canterbury Cathedral which was lovely.
B.) Upon return home I promptly developed a horrible flu that kept me in bed for a week. During this time I missed Thanksgiving (AGAIN) and the last week of Vegan Mofo, in which I consumed nothing but oatmeal. But again, there's a silver lining, because I lost 10 lbs, just in time for the holidays, and kept all of the luscious food that was intended for Thanksgiving to dole out over the next few months.
Including the canned pumpkin that I have already put towards some delicious pumpkin pancakes from Vegan Brunch, topped with a dollop of cranberry sauce. Next stop, pumpkin cinnamon rolls, yuuuum.

In spite of the disappointing last couple weeks, I find it difficult not to be excited now: its Channukah, I have a lot of fun Christmas markets and parties to go to in the next few weeks, and soon I'll be in my parent's kitchen in the USA, cooking up a storm of my vegan favorites. And to make up for all the missed posting, I'll try to be vigilant about posting my holiday creations this year. Latkes, tamales, and tofu benedict, oh my!
So now back to my regularly scheduled blogging, and I look forward to drooling over what all you lucky Americans had for Thanksgiving dinner!
Song of the Day: AC/DC -Back in black
Congrats on your garduation! What a bummer you didn't find anything to eat in England.
Congratulations about the graduation! And bummer about the flu. I for one am looking forward to the pumpkin cinnamon rolls post.
congrats on graduating, T! that kicks ass, my friend!
boo to England and the lack o' vegan eats, and supersadface on missing Thanksgiving again - especially due to the flu. :(
BUT, pumpkin pancakes with cranberry awesomeness = the yum, and i cannot wait for pumpkin cinnamon rolls. oooooh, hooooooray! tasty hoooooray! :) i remember your tamales from last year - and i'm totally look'n forward to some tofu benedict and all the other yummies you'll be whipping up for us to drool over. w00t!
HUGE congrats on graduating from your Masters program - you are one inspiring girl :)
Also, so sad to hear that you were sick - and missed Thanksgiving! What a bummer! Hopefully you'll enjoy cooking/eating your way back to those 10 lbs that you lost during the remainder of the holidays. Yum!
Thanks for the comment on my End of MoFo post, I felt like I was probably getting way too sentimental, but hearing that you felt the same way made me feel a lot less dorky...
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