Second announcement: I have to write 5 things about myself.
Ok, I think I am officially the last person on the internet to have completed this meme. I forgot, guys! I smiled when I saw that Miss Kamutflake Girl (whose blog I adore!) had tagged me, and then got completely distracted when thinking about my five things. But here, lemme give it a shot.

1. I can't get anything done without music on. In fact, its fair to say that my brain moves sluggishly in silence. I study, cook, exercise, shower, and sometimes sleep with music on. And while my taste is constantly skipping around from post-punk to klezmer to 60's wall of sound to (fill in the blank), at the moment I'm obsessed with Athens band Of Montreal. Guess I'm sort of in a psychadelic mood.
Oh yeah, and that's where I got the idea for my blog title! The song "Bunny Ain't No Kind of Rider" where Kevin Barnes sings, "I need a lover with soul power/ and you ain't got no soul power."
2. I'm in law school and I HATE IT. But I think that's just part of the deal with lawschool, right? So hopefully I won't hate being a lawyer. Oh yeah, and I'm going into public interest law. So no big law firm for me, probably just a non-profit or legal services office with old "Free Nelson Mandela" posters hanging up.
3. I'm addicted to historical biographies. Eva Peron, the last Czars of Russia, Martin Luther King, Eleanor Roosevelt, ect. I just find it fascinating to get lost in someone else's imperfect life. I also think they are so revealing about the author's perspective. (Like, does one portray Peron as a victim of her time, a pre-feminist heroine, or a narcississtic manipulator? That says more about the author than her.)

4. I can't read clocks. Seriously, something about analog clocks doesn't work with my brain. Its like I have a very specific learning disability. If someone put a gun to my head and was like- "look at that wall clock! What time is it?" I be like, "Just shoot me now." (I'd have a better chance looking at the sun.)
5. Art Nouveau is my favorite artistic movement. Its so swirly and beautiful... Although, I really like Futurism too. And pre-historic art. But I am so excited to go check out all the Jugendstile and other art nouveau relatives in Eastern Europe.
And that brings me to the third announcement: I'm Excellent!
I have recieved the "E for Excellence" award, so graciously bestowed upon me by the lovely Jennifer of Veg*n Cooking and Other Random Musings. I quite adore her blog as well, especially since she shares my interest in cooking with whole foods and not relying so heavily on tofu and seitan. So, the other blogs I think deserve an "E":
-Fresh Approach Cooking : As I've said a million times, I adore this blog, and its the one that I most frequently make recipes from.
-And since I'm such a sucker for pretty pictures, I adore Vegan Visitor. The photos on this blog are just... LUSCIOUS! It makes me feel guilty for not always waiting for natural light.
-Swell Vegan is similarly beautiful and packed full of delicious-looking recipes.

-And finally, I just discovered Vegan Eats and Treats and its already distracting me from homework. I think its also the traveling aspect of this blog that keeps me skimming through the archives.
But really, this is just skimming the surface of all the blogs I love. I discover about 5 new ones (and about 100 new recipes) every day! Yay for blogging. Ooops, and yeah, I tag the above blogs in the share-5-things meme too. :)