Holy Frying Pan, I have been SOOOO HUNGRY lately! Seemingly since the second I got back from Budapest I've been eating non-stop... and every second I'm not eating I'm plotting my next meal. Its like that scene in Rosemary's Baby where she's possessed by the urge to eat raw meat... except it would be, like, raw beets. (And also, I'm not carrying the child of Satan.)
Usually this surge in appetite would be a minor inconvenience, but at the moment I have exactly $.88 in my account since I'm still waiting for my loan check to come in, so its becoming sort of an issue... After the yummy tortilla stacks and vegan hot dogs I've been living on ran out, I started fantasizing about all sorts of concoctions with the remaining groceries and canned goods I have around. Which, truthfully, should be what I always do, not just when I'm broke.
Part of this, I submit, is related to my newly intensified work-out schedule. After a few weeks of practically nothing (unless you count walking up the Buda hill, pictured at right, which, come to think of it, was quite strenuous) I came back to a whole new schedule of classes, not to mention weather that permits (and compels!) bike riding. My (gorgeous and perfect) roomie M and I take Step class a few times a week, which is sort of a dancey cardio workout, plus a weight-training class and whatever we do on our own. This week we're also going to take a couple Bhangra dance classes, which I'm beyond stoked about. But it should make me even hungrier...
Anyways, one dish I dreamed about the other day was the Tamarind Chickpeas from The Healthy Hedonist by Myra Kornfeld. Its such a cheap and delicious dinner, and I decided my friend Karen and I should make it for a girls cooking night we had. Basically, its canned chickpeas, canned diced tomatoes, ground toasted cumin and a ton of ginger and garlic. On a given night I usually have all those ingredients! (I sub ginger for the tamarind, since its easier to find and I like it better.) And OH MAN. SO good with mango chutney and rice. Karen thought so too, and she is mega-picky so its saying sumthin. :) But alas, no pictures. However, if we start to cook weekly, like Karen says, then hopefully there will be pics to come.
Later, in a fit of hunger with very little actual food remaining save for some old potatoes, I also felt compelled to recreate a childhood classic, potatoes aux gratin. My Mom used to make this to accompany some meaty dinner, and its basically an ultra creamy potato dish that can be as fancy or homey as you like it. It has a ton of milk and usually a ton of cheese, but I think it actually can be quite marvelously veganized! I adopted the Joy of Cooking Recipe, but I think it needs some work to make it truly delectable so I'll wait until I've improved upon it a bit.

Not that this wasn't fabulous, but I felt it was a little too sweet (too much nutmeg?) and needed something other than nooch on top to get brown and crispy. Next time I'll try it with a mixture of teese and breadcrumbs I think. And did I mention this dish reheats really well? That works for one of my resolutions.
So until the loan check comes in I think I'm reduced to more hot dogs and oatmeal, which, to be fair, is not a fate worse than death. Let's just hope I go back to my normal, non-crazed appetite sometime soon.
Song of the Day: Dear Sons and Daughters of Hungry Ghosts- Wolf Parade
Bhangra dance class? That sounds awesome! And I am rather relieved to know that you're not carring the child of satan. Or craving raw meat!
cardio dancing classes and weight training will indeed rev up your metabolism and make you super hungry! after i run i feel like i could eat endless platefulls of pasta & marinara. mmmmmmmm! hooray for working out though - always makes one feel so good! yay!
we're gonna have to try out the tamarind chickpeas! i'm all for inexpensive meals that rock! your potatoes aux gratin look extra awesome, too! hurry up and tweak your recipe to your liking & post that recipe 'cause i want to try them! mmmmmmmmmmmmm!
working out always makes me super hungry as well! i hope your check gets here soon. believe me, i lived that reality for 8 years, and it's hard when the money in your account becomes pennies instead of dollars! my bf is waiting on his this week, too, haha... luckily he has me to (barely be able to) help.
oh wow you just came back from Budapest- I've always wanted to visit their- sounds amazing!
I love Rosemary's baby, such a great movie, Ruth Gordon is so awesome in that movie
Tamarind chickpeas sounds great, going to find the recipe now
have a fabulous day :)
Definitely not a fate worse than death. If it were healthy to do so, I think I could eat oatmeal for brakfast, lunch, and dinner every single day!
those chickpeas sound like perfect perfect comfort food. and I hear you on the money pinch, although I have to say I've never been afraid of going hungry due to bank account! just eating too much cabbage is usually how I roll (boring boring after a while, but oh, students do what you can). nice looking spuds, too!
i hope your hunger crisis ends soon...
although, i notice since going vegan i fantasize about food more and more...
and budapest eh? you lucky lady...
I was there abut 5 years ago now meeting some family and have wanted to go back ever since...perhaps live there a year and learn the language...
how was the vegan food? ( i wans't vegan at the time, but vegetarian options were plentiful)
Oh it sucks being broke! I hope you get your check soon.
Your Bhangra dance class sounds so awesome!
Thank you for your nice comment on my blog and sorry it took me so long to reply! :)
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