Well, its here! Its time to scuttle off to New York to take the ... (deep breaths) ... BAR EXAM. Two months of studying, freaking out, and inhaling coffee like its oxygen. And it was all worth it, because now I feel so... incredibly terrified. Well, how bad could it really be, right?
Wish me luck!
You do not need any luck. You studied hard, ate nutritious food ( i hope) and all you need to do is take the exam. You will do great:) Enjoy NY after the exam.
Yikes! Good luck! Good luck! Good Luck!
I'm so sorry that I missed this on the day you posted... Hopefully you are done with that devil of an exam by now!
At this point, the best advice that I can give you is: try your hardest to forget about it - all of it!
I know, I know, it's easier said than done, but definitely don't bother comparing "answers" with other people too much. (Half the time they're wrong anyway, so it's SO not worth getting freaked out...)
Plus, I'm sure that you did a completely FANTASTIC job, and that passed with flying colors!
Now, quickly banish the Rule Against Perpetuities from your brain (it's useless!), and block out all of that "O granted Blackacre to A, but only while used for a rattle snake farm, then to B" crap...
And DO the following: Have a beer (or 3)! Bask in the sunlight! Watch crappy reality TV! Sleep all day! Drink a latte without cursing out all of the "lazy" people around you for not studying! Take a shower/change out of your pajamas (I wasn't the only one living in the same stuff for 3 months, right?)! Have a long conversation about something besides negligence! Put on your swimsuit and run through a sprinkler! And, for Christ's sakes, BURN THOSE DAMN BARBRI BOOKS ALREADY!
I'm so happy for you for making it through such a hellish summer! Just be glad that the toughest part of becoming a lawyer is behind you.
Let me be the first to welcome you (very soon!) the the exclusive Esq. club. CONGRATS on all of your hard work, T!
Seriously T, best of luck. I'm sure you are going to do fine just and just think - when you are done, you can finally let your breath out and relax a little. GOOD LUCK T, keep us informed. I've got my fingers crossed for you.
good luck, T! i'll be think'n about you rock'n the bar exam! superw00t!
I hope everything went well!!
I am abso-freakin-lutely sure you passed.
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